Mufasa: The Lion King
Mufasa: The Lion King is an upcoming American musical drama film directed by Barry Jenkins, written by Jeff Nathanson, and produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Pastel Productions. The film is photorealistic animated and both a prequel and sequel to the 2019 adaptation of the 1994 film The Lion King.
- Language:
- English
- Tags:
- cartoon, Mufasa, movie trailer,
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Mufasa: The Lion King
Mufasa: The Lion King is an upcoming American musical drama film directed by Barry Jenkins, written by Jeff Nathanson, and produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Pastel Productions. The film is photorealistic animated and both a prequel and sequel to the 2019 adaptation of the 1994 film The Lion King.
- Language:
- English
- Tags:
- cartoon , Mufasa , movie trailer
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